About Sonia Magazine

Wit, wisdom, sauce, satire. Stuff.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Crystal Renn, real model with real pubic hair

There's something very 70's about "outsize" model Crystal Renn; or maybe it's just that "curves" in general hark back to the era. Vogue obviously couldn't find any sample sizes to fit her which is why she's pictured sans clothes, but let's marvel at the pubic hair. So 70's in it's full bush glory, none of this Brazilian or landing strip nonsense going on. I applaud it's naturalness.

Monday, April 19, 2010

iPhoney 4G

What is all this hyperbole and crap about this mysterious new iPhone?

So somebody loses the prototype new iPhone in a bar, then somebody finds said phone and can immediately tell enough about it to call Gizmodo and sell it them. When Gizmodo apparently had to take the whole phone to pieces to be able to verify that it was even by Apple. If it was that valuable to Apple wouldn't they have reported it stolen?

Yeah great PR people. The phone is due out in a couple of months.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Russell and Katy Need More Homes.

Russell of Brand and Katy of Perry are apparently looking for a home in New York's East Village. Lucky them because no-one else can afford to live there anymore. 
EV Grieve has guessed details of  the places they've been looking at.
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